| | |
The gay Ecclesiastes
Art and necessity (My father) |
7 |
Music and language: a seductive confusion |
31 |
Art and interpretation (The gay Ecclesiastes) |
41 |
The work of art and its variants |
47 |
Art and probabilities (John Cage and dice throwing) |
51 |
Art and ego (On reading Glenn Gould) |
65 |
Art and Panic (About Shostakovitch) |
83 |
Art and decline (Domenico Beccafumi: St Michael Driving out the Rebel Angels) |
85 |
Art and Museum (J.S. Bach : an a-historical take) |
87 |
The work of art and its collectors |
91 |
Art and accessibility (Miles Davis) |
95 |
The Art of the word and the dangers of style (About Cioran) |
103 |
The Art of the possible and the political unconscious (André Gide) |
121 |
The Art of the possible and the political unconscious (continuation) (West meats East) |
131 |
Self-Portrait (J.D. Salinger) |
139 |
An Interlude (Malcolm Lowry) |
171 |
The architecture of Chaos (Mitchell Jay Feigenbaum) |
185 |
The hazards of thought (Terente Robert) |
211 |
Art, perception, understanding (A scholar's portrait) |
233 |
The styles of thinking tested in music |
239 |
Displacement, inversion, condensation, mise en abyme (from Bergson to Freud) |
249 |